Fix Plymouth on Ubuntu after installing NVIDIA or ATI proprietary drivers for Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

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About Paolo Bernardi

Registered software engineer with over 10 years' experience in software system design, cybersecurity and privacy expert, free and open‑source software enthusiast. Certified C2‑level English language user. I live in Acquasparta, an Umbrian town famous for being the seat of the first "Accademia dei Lincei" (Academy of the Lynx‑eyed), together with my beloved wife.
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124 Responses to Fix Plymouth on Ubuntu after installing NVIDIA or ATI proprietary drivers for Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

  1. Alex says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    For me, Kubuntu 11.04 is the best release since a very long time. Everything worked out of the box, except for the startup animation. Your post finally made this release a perfect one.

    I just don’t understand why they don’t test it with the proprietary drivers. Your fix should have been included by the Ubuntu guys.

  2. Pipo says:

    Thank you very much, it fixed my Plymouth. However, in order to use Unity, I had to remove the apparently unneeded nomodeset parameter.

  3. Felix says:

    Thank you very much! Now it works fine with my ATI Radeon HD4870 and Natty 🙂

  4. Egs says:

    You’re a life saver!

  5. geewee says:

    Thanks for your work!

    One more thing to mention: on one of my machines I had to replace the linux-image-generic-pae with the linux-image-generic to get this working. The pae kernel needed to be removed and a new initramfs image and grub reinstall was required.

    Now Kubuntu Natty boot looks fine 🙂

  6. Shane says:

    Thanks bud. This was driving me nuts. The old fix didn’t work.

  7. emorkay says:

    Shutdown is working fine but I still see a simple purple screen and some text after a brief while when I log in. No plymouth animation whatsoever is shown. Could you tell me what could have gone wrong?
    I use Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit with ATI Radeon HD 4570.


    • I’ve no idea of what could be wrong. The only Radeon I’ve tested this fix with is my laptop’s one, an HD 3470. What kind of text do you see when booting, instead of Plymouth’s animation?

      Maybe we can do a checklist to see if the script made every intended modification:

      1) Do you have the following line into /etc/default/grub?
      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash nomodeset video=uvesafb:mode_option=1024×768-24,mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap”

      2) Do you have the following line into /etc/initramfs-tools/modules?
      vesafb mode_option=1024×768-24 mtrr=3 scroll=ywrap

      3) Do you have the following text into /etc/grub.d/10_linux?
      for word in $GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT; do
      if [ “$word” = splash ]; then

      By the way, while this fix works well for me at boot (both with the HD3470 and a GForce 8600), sometimes at shutdown I get to see the console’s text with the Plymouth green/red dots in the middle, which is pretty funny. 😉

      • emorkay says:

        I double checked all the changes. Everything is fine. By the way, I am now using the drivers provided by Ubuntu in its repositories. I, now, see a blank screen followed by some console text at boot. 🙂 Don’t know what’s going wrong.

        Let me know if you have any info and/or fix. Otherwise I’ll just leave this for time being. I’m in final semester of my masters and should start writing thesis and get my degree soon. 🙂

        I once again appreciate your quick reply.


  8. gust says:

    Hi, the script fixed my plymouth but it seems that also disables the propietary drivers. I cannot use Unity and the screen resolution looks ugly. However if I logout, everything is beautiful again, How can i fix this?

  9. Ami says:

    Dear Paolo,

    Many thanks for such a wonderful script. It worked beautifully for me on the first try. However, I have since installed the beautiful BURG bootloader, which is simply a themed variant of GRUB, and the problem has returned. I tried running the script again in the hopes that it would modify the correct files, but I suspect that the script modifies GRUB-specific files and not the BURG equivalent. Would it be possible for you to provide some simple instructions on how to apply your script to fix the Plymouth screen when using the increasingly popular BURG, or give some guidance on the manual edits required? I, and I suspect many others, would be extremely grateful. I will make sure to cross-post any help to the thread I have pointed you to on “OMG Ubuntu” above!

    • I’ve installed BURG too just yesterday, I love it. 😀

      BURG uses a different configuration file instead of GRUB, I’ll give you the instructions that I’ve used to make it work.

      Open /etc/default/burg (for example, with the command gksudo gedit /etc/default/burg) and replace the following line

      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash”

      with this one

      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash nomodeset video=uvesafb:mode_option=1024×768-24,mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap”

      Then open a terminal and issue the following command

      sudo update-burg

      And everything should work fine. 🙂

    • By the way, I’ve updated the script. Now it should work with BURG too (it does what I told you to do by hand), but I havn’t tested it on a fresh Ubuntu installation, so beware. 😉

  10. Jarek says:

    You are brilliant !!!!

  11. faical says:

    Many thanks and good work 🙂

  12. CH says:

    it doesn’t work on my W510 which is nvidia Quadro FX 880M.
    Ubuntu Natty 11.04 (kernel 2.6.38-8-generic-pae, nvidia-current 270.41.06) fail to boot as normal after entering grub menu.

    • With the expression “fails to boot as normal” you mean that it boots in text mode or that it doesn’t boot at all? I hope it’s the first option… 😉

      The only NVIDIA I’ve tried this fix on is my 8600, which is pretty old. Did you apply the fix right after installing Ubuntu and the NVIDIA proprietary driver?

  13. SL says:

    Like CH, I didn’t get it working : I had a black-screen on my laptop running an Nvidia card. I couldn’t even access any VT.
    I had to press CTL-ALT-DEL and then reboot and interrupt start-up so I could connect as root and undo all the changes done by your script + issue again update-initramfs -u & update-grubé.

  14. Salvo says:

    Ciao Paolo anch’io ho lo stesso problema di SL. Ho applicato lo script, riavviato e quello che mi compare è schermata nera e l’unica azione che posso fare e premere CTL-ALT-DEL per riavviare.
    Sai come posso ripristinare il sistema?
    Ah dimenticavo ho provato lo script su una ubuntu 11.04 con scheda grafica ati hd 6370m

    • Interessante… Finora pare che questo problema si sia verificato con delle NVIDIA Quadro e con questa tua ATI, sono proprio curioso di sapere cosa causa il problema.

      Per ripristinare il sistema credo che potresti provare a togliere la riga uvesafb mode_option=1024×768-24 mtrr=3 scroll=ywrap da /etc/initramfs-tools/modules e la riga FRAMEBUFFER=y da /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash, dopodiché esegui nuovamente update-grub e update-initramfs -u Non so quale sia il problema, potrebbe essere uvesafb che non va d’accordo con quelle schede grafiche?

      Ovviamente se il sistema non ti parte, neanche con la modalità di ripristino (o come si chiama, non ricordo, comunque è sempre sul grub all’avvio) temo dovrai far partire la live, montare il disco fisso con quella e procedere con le modifiche; poi, prima di eseguire i due comandi di cui sopra, dovrai premurarti di fare quantomeno chroot nella directory root del tuo sistema, forse grub richiede pure di montare in modalità bind /proc, /dev, o qualcosa del genere (vedi per qualche spunto su questi comandi). Buona fortuna!

  15. Sam says:

    Hello Paolo!

    I’ve also run into some trouble. I ran the script and on reboot Burg flashed an error so fast I couldn’t even read it and my Ubuntu install was no longer listed as an option. I used super grub to get back into my install and out of desperation deleted the grub and grub.cfg and the burg and burg.cfg files, reinstalled grub then ran update-grub. I then reinstalled Burg to the mbr followed by running update-burg. Burg has reverted to a boot menu that resembles the original grub menu but it says burg at the top instead. I am able to boot into the Ubuntu install now which is a relief, however the splash starts in low-res text mode and then changes resolution to the 1024×768 text mode. Also there is no splash during shut down now just a black screen.

    Its a bit of a sticky situation as you might imagine. Can you help me undo the changes of the script and uninstall uvesafb so I can ironically revert back to the broken splash forced by the proprietary Nvidia driver? Perhaps create a revert script?

    Just in case you wanted to know my graphics card is a 9800m GS.


    • I’m considering the idea of writing a revert script, indeed… I hadn’t a clue that this “broken plymouth problem” was so felt among the Ubuntu users community, but now, given the (unexpected) number of users of this script, there have been some occasional errors (like it happened to you). I won’t hide that I don’t have a clue yet as to what causes such errors, perhaps some incompatibility between uvesafb and some video cards?

      Anyway, for now, to revert by hand the script changes you should:

      1) edit /etc/default/grub (and /etc/default/burg if you use it) to restore the
      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash” line (the script adds some other options involving uvesafb); if you still have some problems you could try adding “nomodeset” to the options list

      2) remove the text “uvesafb mode_option=1024×768-24 mtrr=3 scroll=ywrap” from /etc/initramfs-tools/modules

      3) remove the text “FRAMEBUFFER=y” from /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash

      4) run update-grub and update-initramfs -u

      Good luck!

      • Sam says:

        Thanks for the step-by-step instructions. Oddly enough, after I reverted the changes from the script plymouth was working during the shut down sequence which never happened before. It still doesn’t work during the boot sequence though. Its quite the mystery. Seems to be hit-or-miss. Though, I uninstalled Burg and I wonder if that had anything to do with it? I’m gonna miss the polished theme. Its hard to go back after that.

        From what I’ve seen by a quick google search this does affect quite a number of users.

  16. Morrow says:


    After executing this script i can’t log in to the system. When i am trying to log in, the screen becomes black and nothing happening. How can i revert all the changes back and be able to log in to Kubuntu?

    I am using Kubuntu 11.04. Also, i disabled all the recovery modes in grub, so i have only 2 entries – kubuntu and windows. But i have a kubuntu distro on my flash card, so i can log to kubuntu if it is needed.

    I ran kubuntu from my flash card, followed the instructions Paolo Bernardi wrote, and did steeps 1,2 and 3, but unable to do succeed with 4 as in that case it updates not my kubuntu grub, but the grub of kubuntu running from my flash card. Nothing helped, i still can’t log in to kubuntu and screen becomes black!


    • Sam says:

      I believe you’re saying that you are having trouble booting into Kubuntu from Grub 2? If that is the case then I would recommend reinstalling Grub 2 from your Live CD 0r USB. The Ubuntu Community has a tutorial on reinstalling Grub 2 here. Also, another option may be Rescatux. More info regarding Rescatux can be found here.

      I hope this info can help.

      Good luck.

  17. davidrobertlewis says:

    Thanks for saving me from the cold heart of the recent upgrade. Not having a working plymouth after one has already been through all the usual fixes, is a pain in the behind. Worse, there doesn’t appear to be any basic checks built into the installer, one would think there was a bit of progress going on, but it appears, we still just taking the muddle way forward.

  18. Pingback: INDLOVU » Blog Archive » Fix Plymouth in Natty

  19. Grazie!
    Works in an Acer Aspire 4520 laptop with Nvidia GeForce 7000M and in a desktop with GeForce 8400 GS.

  20. keith says:

    This did not work for me. I get the splash on shutdown with the dots, but on boot, I get a purple screen for a bit then I get the splash just as all the dots fill up then immediately the GDM login screen. This is on a new Gigabyte MB with the onboard ATI 3000 graphics subsystem and the proprietary driver.

  21. keith says:

    I am using 64 bit Ubuntu 11.04.

  22. Serge says:

    Worked fine here in 1680×1050-24 resolution on a Kubuntu Natty 64 bit using nvidia 270.41.06 proprietary driver for a geforce 9600GT.
    Thanks a lot.

  23. Ray says:

    Worked like a charm! Thanks for the work.

  24. CB says:

    Another success story here: nvidia GeForce 330M, nvidia diriver 270.41.06, Ubuntu Natty 64 bit, resolution 1600×900-24.


  25. Miroslav says:

    Thank you very much for this, you made my day!

    Greetings from Serbia.

  26. nerdy_kid says:

    Thanks so much! That fixed it for me. I had used an older version of the script before and it didn’t work, but the one you linked worked great. Thanks! They really should make this as a built in fallback for us with closed source drivers.

  27. Pingback: Plymouth repariert | syve

  28. prageeth says:

    please tell me how can i restore to my previous settings

  29. tommietgas says:

    Hi, i’m new to linux. I am attempting to build a media center with some old stuff, Pentium D 2.8, 1 GB DDR, and a Nvidia GF4 MX 440 8X. I was able to install ubuntu 11.04 but could not run XBMC due to a driver issue, i found a link to a site that told me to download and update the nvidia drivers 270.41.19 (i think) it downloaded and installed but when i rebooted, the computer would get stuck at the splash screen. When i press the power button or hit ctrl-alt-del, i would still be able to make out some text that it is shutting down, but i am not able to read exactly what it says. Can you help me out? Thanks!

  30. George Marshall says:

    Thanks to this post I can now see my GRUB for the first time since installing Ubuntu Natty. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  31. German says:

    Thank you, worked flawlessly. The ugly low-res boot screen has been annoying me for years, never took the time to fix it and your solution is just great.


  32. attila says:

    Great Job!!

  33. Mark Fraser says:

    Still not working here – i just get a blue screen from from boot until the KDE welcome screen. This is with a Nvidia 210 graphics card.

    • Umh… Given that I have no clue ;-), if you’re using a 32 bit system did you try replacing the kernel with PAE support with the generic one (if you’re using 32 bit and PAE, that’s it…).

  34. slappydog says:

    Awesome, finally found a fix that worked. NVIDIA driving me nuts with 11.04. I appreciate the time and energy you put into the script, and making it available to everyone.

    • Thank you. 🙂 What NVIDIA video card do you have? And the operating system is 64 or 32 bit? If 32 bit, do you use the kernel with PAE extensions or the plain generic one?

      Just curious, I’m trying to figure out why in some cases this fix doesn’t work. 😉

  35. shourya says:

    Great script!! Worked like a charm with the ATI proprietary driver on Ubuntu 11.04. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Pingback: Schönerer Startbildschirm (Plymouth repariert) | syve

  37. GaboDaRimini says:

    It worked out for me! Great, Bravo… e ricorda sempre alla gente “italians do it better!” 😉

  38. glew182 says:

    Worked excellent!! Thank you so much! 🙂

  39. Hélio Nunes says:

    First, thank you! But check the chown of /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/10_linux… You must change the script to use cp and not mv, so the new files belong to root:root. And you should modify the sed lines to allow already modified GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.

    • Good hints! I did a few modifications (untested, because right now I’m using Fedora 15 :-P):

      – now the script uses cp to preserve the original files permissions and attributes
      – the sed for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT is much more generic now (it removes the vt.handoff=7 and leaves whatever else was around it)

      Thanks, and I hope that I didn’t mess the script too much! 😉

  40. sopenco says:

    good work

  41. Paolo, nothing… i have an acer 4935g, ubuntu Natty, but the script not working for me. I try with startupmanager, plymouth-manager… nothing. My screen resolution actually is 1366×768. Can you help me, please? Grazie(Thanks).

  42. FoxPlex says:

    Thank you very much. Works great on Kubuntu 11.04.

  43. general alcazar says:

    thanks from france 🙂
    works fine on hp dv9000-kubuntu 11.04

  44. Deluge says:

    Thanks for this script. I wanted to let you know that it worked for my Debian Squeeze system.

  45. Arun says:

    I tried this on my Laptop (NVIDIA GeForce 435M) with linux 2.6.38-10 *pae* kernel
    (need it to use 8gm of ram) Though grub works in highres, like few others, ubuntu hangs with a black screen, blind console login also doesn’t work. (only ctr-alt-del restarts)
    I noted 3 ‘uvesafb’ error messages with an error code -22, says couldn’t allocate memory, in text mode boot…….couldn’t log them, since bootlogd starts after this.
    Now i reverted back, and have the same delayed lowres bootscreen…

    But uvesafb & v86d worked on ubuntu 10.10 with NVIDIA drivers and *pae kernel*

    Can someone help???

  46. cascagrossa says:

    It did not work here. I have a blue screen, then black for a while and the blue grub splash with logo and dots at up-left and wrong size (squeezed). Besides that i have some messages in white text (also squeezed) that shows so quickly that I cant read (something about stop fallback….).
    Hardware is Dell Vostro 3500, Nvidia 310M.
    With that same hardware, the grub splash works in Lucid just inserting FRAMEBUFFER=y in the “splash” file and setting GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1360×768 in “grub” file and nothing more…
    In lucid the command “cat /proc/fb” shows “0 EFI VGA”, in natty it says “0 VESA VGA”. I think there is the problem but I dont know how to explain that diference!!!

  47. EyesOnFire says:

    Thank you for the script and Burg entries. I’ve wasted hours trying to fix this stupid ass problem. It was worth it though.


  48. Foolz says:

    I use the Script, and I have some weird thing happen. first I do get the splash screen back, however, it is like 7 sec light blue screen like the old day, and than 7 sec splash screen and after the Boot, I always getting a “ubunut is now running in low graphic mod” error message. when I check the log, it said it fail to initialize the nvidia module. I try to reinstall the driver, same thing. but when I click run low graphic mod. It… goes back to normal. It is just so annoying that having an error manage on every boot, and have to click a few things before I can get to my login screen. Any Idea why?

    Thank you so much

  49. aris says:

    how about fixing
    TCO timer is already in use that broke my plymouth?

  50. Pingback: [ubuntu] Ubuntu Splash Screen and Unity Help | Coders & Admins

  51. Asimi Mumini says:

    Black Screen Problem with Acer Aspire 5736Z (intel GMA 4500MHD).
    During the installation of ubuntu only what i saw last was a white line blinking after bios startup then the screen goes black but when connecting external monitor to it it work perfectly and when removing the external monitor it goes back to black screen but faintly you can see the os but you can see it unless look very well.
    please provide me with step by step solution and i was unable to enter super user mode please help out thanks

  52. rob says:

    Brilliant, got my Nvidia geforece 7025 to work with plymouth.


  53. rob says:

    not just that, also i can change plymouth themes with th plymouth manager anytime


  54. Carlos says:

    Does this works with Ubuntu 11.10?

  55. Star says:

    Doesn’t work on my os, Ubuntu Natty 32 bit

  56. Stephane says:

    please upload it in others server plz plz

  57. Oggie says:

    Wow, not only did it fix my ubuntu startup logo but it also fixed my slow booting issue after installing the nVidia drivers! I used to hang for a minute and a half with no activity but now it’s colourful AND fast. Great job!

  58. Cheyo says:

    Thanks from Mexico!!! straigth to the point!!

    ¡Gracias Amigo!

  59. Costantino says:

    I have Natty on Thinkpad T61P with nvidia drivers. When I launched the script, it installed v86d forcing uvesafb and this caused black screen on boot afer grub menu.
    I had to work a lot to understand that uvesafb is not supported on T61P and only after having uninstalled v86d (I have still error messages on boot because of uvesafb) I succeeded to complete the normal boot.

  60. The Natty Script also works for Oneiric 😉

  61. Pingback: Fix Plymouth on Ubuntu after installing NVIDIA or ATI proprietary drivers for Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric | Paolo Bernardi’s Weblog

  62. Joe Horlando says:

    Another person here to confirm that it works for 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot as well. Great script!

  63. giordano says:

    Grazie Paolo, ho seguito le istruzioni e funziona anche su Oneiric Ocelot (nuova installazione) con una vecchia nvidia Geforce210 e burg.

  64. j.Go says:

    Didn’t work for me.
    I am using Ubuntu 11.10 with an nVidia 7300 LE.
    I get a message saying “could not start boot splash : too many levels of symbolic links”.
    After that, the boot process continues with no problem.
    One curious thing is that I upgraded through versions, from 10.04 and now at startup and shutdown screens in text mode, showed Xubuntu instead of Ubuntu though I never installed Xubuntu.
    Any help would be appreciated

  65. Pingback: Fixing Plymouth to Work with Oneiric Ocelot (Ubuntu 11.10) | My Quiet Corner

  66. Uvoguine says:

    How could I configure plymouth for a screen 1920*1080 ?

    • I’m not sure if uvesafb can do that. My home screen supports that resolution too but I’ve always kept Plymouth down to 1024×768.

      • Uvoguine says:

        My problem isn’t really that there’s not my resolution’s screen. In the choices I have there’s no possibility to have a ratio like mine. Therefore the logo is flatten.

  67. Pingback: Ubuntu plymouth fix | jackz blog

  68. Talal Arshad says:

    I have ubuntu 11.10 64 bit and video driver radeon ati 4760, I tried the script you gave and even try to revert it but I just get a login screen on the console saying to login. Can you guide me.

  69. Atul says:

    You saved my life, I have been scared to have lost my wife’s data on Windows partition but your script saved my life… :P… Life good again. 😉

  70. attila says:

    Thanks a lot!!
    Worked great with Kubuntu11,10 ATI HD6790

  71. Pingback: Actualizando Al Ubuntu Oneiric | Linux Music 3.0

  72. alessio says:

    I’ve run this scripts.. and now I don’t have the splash screen anymore… just a 4-5 seconds black page.

    ubuntu 11.10 64 bit
    graphic card nvidia G105m
    sed: can’t read /etc/default/burg: No such file or directory
    uvesafb mode_option=1024×768-24 mtrr=3 scroll=ywrap
    Generating grub.cfg …
    Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-15-generic
    Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-15-generic
    Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-14-generic
    Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-14-generic
    Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-13-generic
    Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-13-generic
    Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-12-generic
    Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-12-generic
    Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin
    Found Windows Recovery Environment (loader) on /dev/sda1
    Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda2
    Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda3
    update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-15-generic
    The resolution should be fixed after a reboot

  73. alessio says:


    I followed your steps in order to revert the script (#340)
    then I edited this line in /etc/default/grub
    Now both Grub and Plymouth have a satisfied resolution.

  74. David says:

    If you have BURG installed and are having the problem of plymouth running at shutdown but not at startup you need to run command

    gksudo gedit /etc/default/burg

    and ensure line: GRUB_GFXMODE=SAVED
    is changed to to: GRUB_GFXMODE=1027×768

    (nb change the resolution accordingly if your setup is different)

    save and close, then run commands

    sudo update-burg
    sudo update-initramfs -u

  75. pezcurrel says:

    On my laptop and desktop pcs with nvidia cards it was enough to issue…

    echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
    sudo update-initramfs -u -k all

  76. Larry says:

    Unfortunately, your script left me with an empty grub file. I had to reinstall grub to get back to where I was before. Ubuntu 11.04 , Nividia 270.41.06.

  77. John says:

    I have a similar problem as one commenter above. Before the fix I had a black screen on boot and the splash screen on shutdown; now, I have the splash screen on boot, and on shutdown it exits directly to terminal then shuts down, no splash screen.

    I should mention that I tried the earlier version of the fix on 11.10 Oneiric before realizing there was an updated script, so I used Kyle Baker’s revert script. Then after I ran the updated fix script the splash screen was totally messed up, so I used the revert script again and then followed some instructions to revert additional items by hand, after which I ran the updated fix again, which yielded the results I described in the paragraph above. Maybe there is still a faulty setting leftover from the old fix script and that’s why I’m not seeing the shutdown splash screen? Any ideas?

  78. John says:

    In my search for a solution to this problem, I’ve come across a number of alternative solutions dealing with 11.04 Natty and later which I haven’t seen reported elsewhere. I don’t know how well they work, but I thought it would be useful for people to have the info. It would be great if someone in the know could look at these solutions and evaluate them.

    Multiple comments in the same thread:
    (This page is apparantly the origin of the fix that was then reported by Marius Nestor, turned into a script by kyleabaker, and refined by Paolo.)
    (Comments 4 and 6.)
    (Comments 39, 45,48. In the last comment, an Ubuntu developer said Oneiric would include a fix. I wonder if that’s true? If so, there’s clearly still something wrong.)

    Also, a I’ve seen it reported in several places that since Natty, the “FRAMEBUFFER=y” thing alone is enough for “newer” (how new, I don’t know) video cards, particularly Nvidia.

    Anyway, I’m totally unqualified to evaluate these solutions, and as for testing them, there are just so many possible combinations, it would be hard to figure out out which specific configuration worked and what didn’t. So I’ll leave it to the experts to comment.

  79. Gaello says:

    is this work for Fedora 16?

  80. It works on 11.10 BUT It produced an error with Nvidia Drivers, this uninstalled them and lost graphic mode.
    I fixed it using an old kernel installed and reinstalling Nvidia.
    Anyway, Thanks!!

    • I’ve been testing, and after installing this script I only can use Nvidia current version driver. Current-update have kernel problems and it can’t load graphic mode (I only see the splash image, then turn to graphic mode). Anyone know why? With

  81. diegonza56 says:

    It Works in Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 too……….. Very nice

  82. Appreciating the dedication you put into your blog and in depth information
    you present. It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same old rehashed material.
    Wonderful read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to
    my Google account.

  83. Night Train says:

    It works in Ubuntu Raring Ringtail 13.04, after Nvidia driver 319, with 1680×1050-24
    many thanks
    Night Train

  84. Mumen Ayyat says:

    Had a problem on Linux Mint Olivia 15, my splash shows out of range messages like when i set unsupported resolutions on my monitor

  85. Joyce says:

    Had the same problem after updating Xubuntu 12.04 to 13.04 (yes I do have a G force NVidia GTX650 – 1920 x 1080). Run your script and can tell you it still works. Thanks!

  86. bodhi.zazen says:

    While I applaud your script, it has a number of major flaws. First, it changes system files without making back ups and second there is no way to undo all those changes to system files. In the future consider making a few adjustments 😉

    • Indeed! Anyway I’m not using this script from several months (2 or 3 years perhaps?)… I’ll remember the advice for any future script I’ll make public, but for this particular one you may want to fix it yourself. 😉

  87. Ed says:

    Thank you.. To this day this bug is still not fixed in ubuntu 12.04 to 13.10 ..Linux is a love hate relationship

  88. Hey, thanks… it worked in elementary OS Luna (based on Ubuntu 12.04)…

    The only thing to keep in mind is this: when the list of resolutions is shown, the best res is the best for the card and not necessarily for your screen… my card best is 2048×1536 and my screen best 1280×1024.

    Thanks! I have a nice splah screen when I boot up the pc now!

  89. diegonza56 says:

    Oh dude, still working on ubuntu 14.04, awesome. Thank you.

  90. Pingback: Fix Plymouth on Ubuntu after installing NVIDIA or ATI proprietary drivers for Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric – Paolo Bernardi

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